With our Unfollow Power-Up, you'll be able to clean your account of unwanted accounts followed in the past that you are no longer interested in following today.
Anyone looking to clean a Twitter account can get our Unfollow Power-Up.
You don't need an active Owlead subscription to access this feature.
You'll have 10 free unfollow actions to play around with the power-up by default.
After that, you'll have to get the Unfollow Power-up subscription to clean your account.
How does it work?
1. Unlock the Power-Up
First, you'll need to unlock the Unfollow Power-Up.
Please follow these instructions to unlock it.
2. Setup Your Unfollow Filter Criteria
Now, you'll have to indicate using the available filters which accounts you want the platform to unfollow on your behalf.
These are the available filters to narrow the accounts and schedule them to be unfollowed:
- Relationship: Following you/Not following you
- Account Verified: Verified/Not Verified
- Profile pic: default / not default
- Last Tweet: More than / Less than x days ago
- Followers count: More than / Less than x followers
- Following count: More than / Less than x following
All the filters work as AND.
That means that if you add more than one filter criterion, the accounts included within your filter criteria will be the ones that meet both filter criteria at the same time.
To test the filter, you can click the 'Filter Viewable Accounts' button:
This button will apply your current filter within the viewable accounts on the screen. It doesn't filter in your entire following base in real time.
3. Schedule Unfollows
Once you are confident with the filter criteria selected, you can click on the 'Schedule Unfollows' button:
The platform respects Twitter's limits and unfollows aren't executed in real-time.
Instead, they are scheduled to be gradually executed.
Usually, the platform can unfollow a maximum of 100 accounts daily.
If you are using Owlead to gain Twitter followers, the Unfollow Power-up will work with the actions left after Owlead finishes the daily actions executions.
4. Remove/Unschedule Accounts
If you want to remove all the current accounts on the queue to configure new filter criteria, just hit 'Remove Schedule' right under the 'Accounts Scheduled to Unfollow' and start over.